August 31, 2012

Daily WOD 9/1/2012

Rest Day

Enjoy the weekend

August 30, 2012

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

Daily WOD - 8/31/2012


"Shankle complex"

3 Hang pulls + shrug
1 Hang Clean
2 Jerks



Max Jerks @225# x 3 attempts - rest 2 minutes between efforts

Front Squat x 5-3-1 - heavy, not maximal.

Pendlay Row 5 x 5 , 60s rest between sets. Go heavier than last time.


800m run
30 MU
800m run

August 28, 2012

Daily WOD 8/29/2012


7 x 1 of 1 Power Snatch + Heaving Snatch Balance + OHS - rest 60s


2x Max Rep OHS @ 225# - rest 3 minutes


5 rounds - 1 minute to complete 30 - 32kg KB swings, 1 minute rest

For every round not complete, row 1000m at the end of the workout.

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

August 27, 2012

Daily WOD 8/28/2012


7 x 3 Hi-Hang Clean - rest 60s between sets


3 x 5 Back squat

1 x 5 Deficit deadlift - PERFECT form


225# squat clean
parallette HSPU

rest 3 minutes

500m row
50 T2B

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

August 26, 2012

Daily WOD 8/27/2012

Take 15-20 minutes to really warm up. A long dynamic warmup, mobility work, a 400m run or 500m row. Get a good sweat going.


For time:

Power Cleans @135#
Ring Dips

Rest 10 minutes

135# Snatch x 30 reps

Rest 10 minutes

Thrusters @95#

August 24, 2012

Daily WOD 8/25/2012


1. 20-25 minutes to establish a max Snatch
2. 20-25 minutes to establish a max Clean


Front Squat - based off 1rm

Set 1- 5 reps @70%
Set 2- 5 reps @75%
Set 3- 5 reps @80%
Set 4- 4 reps @85%
Set 5- 3 reps @90%
Set 6 -2 reps @95%


30 rounds
Row 30s
Rest 30s

Don't be concerned with numbers. I didn't write establish a new PR, I wrote establish a max. Max means for the day. So if you're feeling like shit, then don't push it. Keep your form good, focus on technique and if you're hitting your lifts, then keep building up.

If you fail 3 lifts , drop 20 pounds and build back up. Call it a day if you fail a lift after that.

August 23, 2012

Daily Dose of Awesomeness


WOD 8/24/2012


1. Establish a heavy jerk in 20-25 minutes
2. EMOTM for 10 minutes, 2 jerks @85% heaviest jerk


1. 7x2 Speed Band Deadlift - 60s rest between sets - these should be heavy, but fast. Do not touch and go.


5 rounds

315 DL x 5
Bar Muscle Up x 6

rest 5 minutes

EMOTM for 10 minutes - 15 wall balls - if the clock catches you, the workout is over.  The goal is to finish each set within 30 seconds.

August 21, 2012

WOD 8/22/2012


1. Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean - 7-10 sets - rest 60s - AHAP


1. 5 x 5 Back Squat @5RM. This should be HEAVY. Same weight across the board. Rest 5-8 minutes between sets.

2. Pendlay Row 5 x 5 - rest 60s between sets


5 rounds of :

200m row
20 burpees
3 rope climbs

rest 2 minutes between rounds

August 20, 2012

Daily Dose Of Awesomeness

This is the next upcoming competition. The program isn't going to be changed much. He has (Scott) posted two workouts so far, and i'm sure some more are to come. We'll play with them a little bit, but don't expect to have the whole week switched around. 

I booked our hotel for the weekend. Scott says it's within walking distance, so that's nice. 

Ramada East Hanover
130 New Jersey 10 West
East Hanover

Joe and Dave, you're bunking with me. We'll have 2 queens, and most likely able to get a roll-out.  I'll also be driving. I ask that you guys prepare your supplements properly before we leave. We are also going to go to the super-market (Trader Joes) and stock up for the weekend so we can save money, and time.

Guys, I want you to start moving a little quicker through the workouts. Heart rates should be kept high, sessions should not go past 2 hours (tops). Even if it takes you some time building up, you should have an idea of your numbers and get there rather quickly.

3 sets of max L-sit - 2011 games standard - rest 60s between attempts

400m run


Snatch from floor + hang snatch - heavy "single" then proceed to....

Snatch singles - near maximal weight - 3-5 sets @90% and above


3 sets of 5 of:

Weighted ring dips (AHAP) - rest 60s

 Shoulder Press - (AHAP) - rest 60s 



Thrusters @165#/185#/205#
Muscle ups

Accessory :

5 sets of:
10 Supine Ring Pull-ups
12 GHD situps 

An analysis of Joe "The Juice" "Joey" Arias food log 

5 days out of the week this is pretty dam accurate

meal 1 - 4 strips bacon , 2 whole eggs , 6 egg whites

half avacado , fruit (usually apples and cantelope)

pre-wod shake - 10 bcaa , 10 glutamine , 25 g karbolic, 5 g creatine

post wod shake - 50 grams hydro whey, 10 g glutamine, 10 g creatine, 25 g karbolic

meal 2 - 8oz 96 % lean burger , sweet potato , half avacado

meal 3 - 5-6 oz chicken breast tenderloins, random stiry fry veggies about 2 handfulls , cashews

meal 4 - 8oz 96 % lean burger , sweet potato , half avacado

meal 5 - 2 salmon patties , asparagus and maybe some fruit and almond butter

Pre bed time shake or Post second wod shake - 50 grams hydro whey, 10 g glutamine, 10 g creatine, 25 g karbolic

Before I give my two cents on this, just understand, I'm not a nutritionist. I spend a fair amount of time reading about nutrition, diets, etc. With that being said, there are always people out there who will disagree with me, you, and tell you there is a better way. And that's just fine. Take everything with a grain of salt. Heh.

First, there's not nearly enough vegetables in this diet. Not by a long shot. For the most part, it does a pretty good job avoiding sugar and keeping true to the Paleo protocol.

I'm not a big fan of the karbolic crap. I'm just not. Eat a sweet potato or a banana instead. It's cheaper, and better.

It's a lot of meals, which means a lot of work. Like I've said before, I'm a big fan of IF ( It saves time, which means you can be more productive. Worth reading at the minimum.

I'm not entirely sure on what his goals are, aside from "getting big".  Performance wise, he doesn't need to get any bigger. He needs to lean up, and work on his gymnastics and motor. The strength is there.

August 19, 2012

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

What's up folks

It's a new week, which means, a beautiful way to destroy our bodies once again. All jokes aside, I want you guys to train smart. I know, I know, that almost goes against everything that this blog stands for. This is not my intention. But alas, I care for you and we still have plenty of time until game day. That means we need to get strong and powerful, but stay healthy and recovered. 

I'll try to be posting the workouts a day early, and updating content accordingly. 

I want you guys to plan your meals for the week. If we need to take a bro-trip to the supermarket, I'll drive to trader-joes and we can stock up. Let me know when you have time and we'll do it. 

Also, expect to be using the lap-pool at my apartment in the next few weeks. Swimming workouts are coming up. 


Hope the weekend treated you well enough.

Warmup Requirement  

A. 1000m row @2k row pace. 

The WG is not the only thing I want you to do for your warmup. It's just what I expect you to do at the bare minimum (and there should be plenty more ). 


A. Clean (squat) - 7 x 2 - touch and go - build up in weight as you progress - rest 2 minutes between sets

B. Power Snatch - 7 x 1 @ 85% of max - rest 60s


A. Front Squat - 5 x 2-3 reps @ 30X5

Conditioning (courtesy of CrossFit Invictus)

AMRAP 6 minutes
165# Snatch x 3 reps
Burpee over barbell x 6 reps
C2B pullups x 9 reps

Rest 4 minutes

AMRAP 6 minutes
155# Snatch x 3 reps
Burpee over barbell x 6 reps

C2B pullups x 9 reps

Rest 4 minutes

AMRAP 6 minutes
135# Snatch x 3 reps
Burpee over barbell x 6 reps
C2B pullups x 9 reps

August 15, 2012

WOD Wednesday 8/15/12


A) 7x1 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch - Heavy - Rest 60 Seconds

B) 7x1 2 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk - Heavy - Rest 60 Seconds

C) 3 x ME Ring Rows - Rest 45 seconds

D) 3 x 10 Reverse Hyper Extensions


     Every Minute, On The Minute for 30 minutes perform:
           5 Pull ups
           10 Push ups
           15 Squats

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Daily Dose of Awesomeness

How we feel here at Certified Awesome Athletics on a daily basis. Get with it.

August 14, 2012

WOD Tuesday 8/14/12

Continuing the Outlaw cycle ...


A) 5 x 1 Snatch off of the blocks (Knee High) - Heavy - Rest 60 seconds

B) 5 x 1 Clean off of the blocks (Knee High) - Heavy - Rest 60 seconds

C) 5 x 1 Back Squat - 100% of 3 Rep Max - Rest 2 Minutes

D) 3 x 5 Front Squat - Heavy - Rest 90 seconds


A) 3 rounds of:
          10 2 box lateral box jumps
          15 Handstand Push ups
          250m Row

B) Minute 1: 10 GHD sit ups + ME Muscle ups with remaining time
     Minute 2: Rest
     Minute 3: 15 GHD sit ups + ME Muscle ups with remaining time
     Minute 4: Rest
     Minute 5: 20 GHD sit ups + ME Muscle ups with remaining time

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Daily Dose of Awesomeness

August 13, 2012

WOD Monday 8/13/12

More from Outlaw ...


A) Every Minute, On the Minute for 7 minutes perform:
           2 Snatches @ 85%
     Rest 2 minutes and perform:
           1 Snatch @ 95% (3 attempts only)

B) Every Minute, On the Minute for 7 minutes perform:
           2 Cleans @ 82%
     Rest 2 minutes and perform:
           1 Clean @ 92% (3 attempts only)

C) AMRAP 12 of:
          50 Double Unders
          7 Burpees
               *Every round, increase the number of burpees by 7


A) 3 x 3 1 Behind the Neck Push Press + 1 Heaving Snatch Balance + 1 Overhead Squat - Heavy as Possible - Rest 60 seconds

B) 3 x 3 Flat Footed Clean Hi Pulls - Heavy as Possible - Rest 60 seconds

*Do A and B as a circuit

C) Every 25 seconds for 10 rounds, sprint 50 meters

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Daily Dose of Awesomeness

August 10, 2012

WOD Friday 8/10/12

A) Pendlay Rows - 5 x 5 - Heavy - 60 seconds Rest

B) "Ryan"
     5 rounds of:
          7 Muscle ups
          21 Burpees

C) 3 x 10 GHD Sit ups - 45 seconds Rest

D) 8 rounds of:
          Row 20 seconds
          Rest 40 seconds

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Daily Dose of Awesomeness

Hey ladies !

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

August 8, 2012

WOD Wednesday 8/8/12


A) 7x1 2 3-stop Snatch Pulls + 1 Power Snatch - Heavy - Rest 60 seconds

B) 7x1 1 Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks - Heavy - Rest 60 seconds


A) 50 Double Unders
     10 Clean and Jerk (135#/ 95#)
     50 Double Unders
     10 Clean and Jerk (165#/ 115#)
     50 Double Unders
     10 Clean and Jerk (185#/ 135#)

B) 3 x ME Strict Pull ups - 45 second Rest
C) 3 x ME Deficit HSPU (6"/ 4") - 45 second Rest

D) 3 x 15 Reverse Hyper Extension - 45 second Rest

*Do B, C, and D in a circuit format, completing 1 set of each, before moving on to the next

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Daily Dose Dose of Awesome


August 7, 2012

WOD Tuesday 8/7/12

Another Outlaw influenced day ...


A) Snatch Off the Blocks (Set at knee height) - 5 x 2 - Heavy - 60 seconds rest

B) Clean Off the Blocks (Set at knee height) - 5 x 2 - Heavy - 60 seconds rest

C) Back Squat - 4 x 8 - 80% of 3 Rep Max - 2 minutes Rest

D) Front Squat - 5 x 2 - 5 second pause at bottom - 90 seconds Rest


AMRAP 20 of:
     100' Prowler Push (195#/ 130#)
     5 Rope Climbs

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Daily Dose of Awesomeness

(what would superman do)

August 6, 2012

WOD Monday 8/6/12


A) 3 x 3 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press + 2 Overhead Squat - Heavy as Possible - Rest 60 seconds
     * 1 rep would be 1 Press + 2 Overhead Squats. Complete this 3 times per set

B) 1 min ME Slapping Push ups


C) AMRAP 8 of:
          16 Alternating KB Snatch (53#/ 35#)
          12 KB Thrusters (53#/ 35#)
          8 Burpee Over Hurdles (30"/ 26")


D) 1 min ME Slapping Push ups


A) Snatch: 3x2@75%, 1x2@80%, 1x2@85%, 2x2@90%, 3x1@90%, 2x2@80% - Rest 60 seconds between sets

B) Clean & Jerk: 3x2@70%, 1x2@75%, 1x2@80%, 2x2@85%, 3x1@85%, 2x2@75% - Rest 60 seconds between sets

*A lot of you may have realized we take many parts of our workouts, or entire workouts from The Outlaw Way. I will give credit where credit is due, Rudy is an amazing programmer.

WOD B, C, D DEMO w David Charbonneau

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Daily Dose of Awesomeness

August 4, 2012

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

WOD Friday 8/3/12

A) Back Squat
Set 1: 1 Back Squat every 30 seconds for  for 2:00 @ 90% (5 total reps) – DO NOT re-rack the barbell until all 5 reps are completed.
*Rest 3:00 exactly.
Set 2: 1 Back Squat every 30 seconds for  for 1:30 @ 90% (4 total reps) – DO NOT re-rack the barbell until all 4 reps are completed.
*Rest 2:00 exactly.
Set 3: 1 Back Squat every 30 seconds for  for 1:00 @ 90% (3 total reps) – DO NOT re-rack the barbell until all 3 reps are completed.

Heavy squat clean

400m run
30 Double unders
20 Box jump
10 Burpees 

August 1, 2012

WOD Wednesday 8/1/12


A) Push Jerk - Heavy Single

B) 5 rds of:
          5 Push Jerks (185#/ 125#)
          10 Burpees
          1 Deadlift (405#/ 265#)


A) Snatch - 7 x 1 at 90%

B) Ring Push ups - 5 x 10

C) Ring Rows - 5 x 10

WOD B DEMO w David Charbonneau and Ron Yellin

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Daily Dose of Awsesomeness

Story of our lives.