August 19, 2012

What's up folks

It's a new week, which means, a beautiful way to destroy our bodies once again. All jokes aside, I want you guys to train smart. I know, I know, that almost goes against everything that this blog stands for. This is not my intention. But alas, I care for you and we still have plenty of time until game day. That means we need to get strong and powerful, but stay healthy and recovered. 

I'll try to be posting the workouts a day early, and updating content accordingly. 

I want you guys to plan your meals for the week. If we need to take a bro-trip to the supermarket, I'll drive to trader-joes and we can stock up. Let me know when you have time and we'll do it. 

Also, expect to be using the lap-pool at my apartment in the next few weeks. Swimming workouts are coming up. 


Hope the weekend treated you well enough.

Warmup Requirement  

A. 1000m row @2k row pace. 

The WG is not the only thing I want you to do for your warmup. It's just what I expect you to do at the bare minimum (and there should be plenty more ). 


A. Clean (squat) - 7 x 2 - touch and go - build up in weight as you progress - rest 2 minutes between sets

B. Power Snatch - 7 x 1 @ 85% of max - rest 60s


A. Front Squat - 5 x 2-3 reps @ 30X5

Conditioning (courtesy of CrossFit Invictus)

AMRAP 6 minutes
165# Snatch x 3 reps
Burpee over barbell x 6 reps
C2B pullups x 9 reps

Rest 4 minutes

AMRAP 6 minutes
155# Snatch x 3 reps
Burpee over barbell x 6 reps

C2B pullups x 9 reps

Rest 4 minutes

AMRAP 6 minutes
135# Snatch x 3 reps
Burpee over barbell x 6 reps
C2B pullups x 9 reps


  1. OLY

    A)285 lbs for 2
    300 lbs for 1 failed on the second =[
    B) All sets done at 185 lbs


    A) 4 sets done at 275 lbs
    last set done at 295 lbs but only got 2 reps failed on the 3rd =[

    AMRAP 1 - 4 rounds plus 3 snatches and 5 burpees
    AMRAP 2 - 3 rounds plus 3 snatches and 2 burpees
    AMRAP 3 - 3 rounds

  2. OLY

    A) 225x2, 235x2, 245x2, 255x2, 265x2, 275x2, 285x2, 300x1
    B) ALL @ 185


    A) 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 295x3


    1) 4 + 11
    2) 4 + 12
    3) 5 + 1
