December 31, 2011

New Years Dose of Awesomeness

It's that time of year again guys. You know when everyone has decide that this is the year for change, that this is the year they finally peal themselves off the dorito stained sofa and finally make it to the gym 5 times a week...for all of one day.

It's our responsibility as the care takers of Awesomeness to spread it to all those underprivileged souls around the world. So go forth Army of Awesome, spread the Awesomeness as far and wide as possible. And while you're at it why not bring in the new year with a burpee or 100.

*Last 2011 WOD* 12/31/11

This is the last workout of 2011 so lets hit it hard!




  12 deadlifts (365#/255#) <- days in a year ;)
  31 kb swings (70#/53#) <- weeks in a year...based off a Myan calendar...shut up, just go with it!
  2011m row

  12 deadlifts (295#/205)
  31 kb swings (53#/35#)
  2011m row 

  12 deadlifts (225#/155#)
  31 kb swings (35#/20#)
  2011m row

You guys know the deal scale as necessary, but DO NOT SCALE THE  ROW. I swear if anyone lowers it I will find you and give you the sickest purple nurple you've ever had.

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so. 

Happy New Year AoA!

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December 29, 2011

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

Never to young to start training.

Friday WOD 12/30/11




15 min AMRAP:
     5 strict pullups
     7 push presses (115#/75#)
     9 knees to elbow

15 min AMRAP: 
     5 kipping pullups
     7 push presses (115#/75#)
     9 knees to elbow

15 min AMRAP:
     5 jumping pullups
     7 push presses (95#/65#)
     9 knees to elbow

15 min AMRAP:
     5 inverted rows
     7 push presses (95#/65#)
     9 leg raises

**This workout is a variation of one posted on**

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

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December 28, 2011

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

Sweet...I needed a new post workout recovery meal. Good looking out Burger King.

WOD Thursday 12/29/11


Back Squat


50 power cleans (185#/135#)
Perform 3 over the bar burpees every minute on the minute.

50 power cleans (135#/95#)
Perform 3 over the bar burpees every minute on the minute.

30 power cleans (135#/95#)
Perform 3 over the bar burpees every minute on the minute.

25 power cleans (95#/65#)
Perform 3 burpees every minute on the minute.

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

December 27, 2011

WOD Wednesday 12/28/11




1000m row
100 pullups
10 squat snatches (135#/95#)

1000m row
100 inverted rows
10 power snatches (135#/95#)

1000m row
50 pullups
10 squat snatches (95#/65#)

1000m row
50 inverted rows
10 overhead squats (95#/65#)

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

It's just really fast running!

Sorry for the crappy quality on the second clip...apparently the interwebs didn't like this clip as much as I did.

December 26, 2011

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

Volleyball ....your doing it wrong.

WOD Tuesday 12/27/11


Push Press: 3-3-3-3-3


2 rds:
30 ball slams (30# for men/ 20# for women)
25 burpee pull ups
20 Push ups

Abs: 100 situps

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WOD Monday 12/26/11

I'm sure everyone was really strict with their diet over the holiday weekend, but just in case were gonna take it semi-easy this week and not try to totally demolish our body's.


Work on your body-weight weakness. This could be an advanced movement like Handstand Pushups or Muscle Ups. Or it could be as simple as Pushups or Pullups. Work on this for 15 minutes.


15 Thrusters (115# for men/ 75# for women)
Run 400 meters
10 Thrusters
Run 200 meters
5 Thrusters
Run 100 meters

Intermediate: (75/ 55)
Beginner: (55/ 35)
Novice: (35/ 20)

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*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

December 24, 2011

December 23, 2011

Weekend WOD

Happy Holidays! In the spirit of the season I have created the following WOD. Warning: This WOD is absolutely BRUTAL! Be prepared to take off until 2012 ...

"The 12 Days of Awesomeness"
   1 Deadlift (405# for men/ 275# for women)
   2 Squat Snatch (135#/ 95#)
   3 Chest to Bar Pull ups
   4 Wall Balls
   5 Muscle Ups (Obviously had to use rings)
   6 Box Jumps (30"/ 24")
   7 Burpees
   8 KB Swings (70#/ 53#)
   9 Handstand Pushups
   10 Toes to Bar
   11 Squat Clean and Press (135#/ 95#)
   12 Stone to Shoulder (145#/ 95#)

*This is completed like the "12 days of Christmas" song, so you do 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, and so on until you do the final round of 12-11- ... 3-2-1.

   1 Deadlift (315# for men/ 225# for women)
   2 Squat Snatch (115#/ 80#)
   3 Pull ups
   4 Wall Balls
   5 Ring Dips
   6 Box Jumps (24"/ 20")
   7 Burpees
   8 KB Swings (53#/ 35#)
   9 Handstand Pushups
   10 Knees to Elbow
   11 Squat Clean and Press (115#/ 80#)
   12 Stone to Shoulder (115#/ 75#)

   1 Deadlift (225# for men/ 155# for women)
   2 Squat Snatch (95#/ 65#)
   3 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
   4 Wall Balls
   5 Ring Dips or Bench Dips
   6 Box Jumps (20"/ 16")
   7 Burpees
   8 KB Swings (35#/ 26#)
   9 Pushups
   10 Sit ups
   11 Squat Clean and Press (95#/ 65#)
   12 Stone to Shoulder (75#/ 60#)

   1 Deadlift (135# for men/ 95# for women)
   2 Squat Snatch (45#/ 35#)
   3 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
   4 Wall Balls
   5 Ring Dips or Bench Dips
   6 Box Jumps (20"/ 16")
   7 Burpees
   8 KB Swings (35#/ 26#)
   9 Pushups
   10 Sit ups
   11 Squat Clean and Press (45#/ 35#)
   12 Stone to Shoulder (60#/40#)

* If you want to scale it down further, you can even just work through it once, from 12 to 1.

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau --> A couple reps into the final round ... on the verge of death

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December 22, 2011

WOD Friday 12/23/11


   Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5


   50 Taters

      *Use 70# if you can, if not scale it down to a more comfortable weight.
      *If you are not comfortable with Taters (Instructional Video Below), do KB Swings instead.

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

David Charbonneau Attempts 305# Front Squat x 5 ... got only 4 ... FAIL

Tater Instructional Video with Thomas Maresca

WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau and Ross Levine (WKC and NASKA Kickboxing Champion)

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Daily Dose of Awesomeness

Anyone who has ever had a gym membership can confirm this. #truestory

December 21, 2011

WOD Thursday 12/22/11




   7 rounds of:
      3 Power Cleans (205# for men/ 145# for women)
      4 Ring Handstand Pushups

   7 rounds of:
      3 Power Cleans (185#/ 125#)
      4 Handstand Pushups

   7 rounds of:
      3 Power Cleans (135#/ 95#)
      10 Pushups

   7 rounds of:
      3 Power Cleans (95#/ 65#)
      7 Pushups

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau

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Daily Dose of Awesomeness

Aliens or zombies you better believe that the Army of Awesome (AoA) will be able to survive any attack.

December 20, 2011

WOD Wednesday 12/21/11




   As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 10 minutes of:
      3 Deadlift (85% of MAX)
      250m row

   Intermediate: 75%

   Beginner: 65%

   Novice: 50%

   *If it has been more than a week since you have attempted a MAX Deadlift, then establish one before you do this workout.

   *If you do not have access to a rower, then run.

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

WOD DEMO w Thomas Maresca --> 395# deadlift --> first two rounds

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Daily Dose of Awesomeness

Part of Crossfit is to "regularly learn and play new sports" but I'm pretty sure that's not how you catch a frisbee. Just saying.

December 19, 2011

WOD Tuesday 12/20/11


   MAX Bench Press
   MAX Weighted Pull up


   As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 15 minutes of:
      3 Weighted Pull ups (45# for men/ 30# for women)
      3 Bench Press (225#/ 155#)

   AMRAP 15 of:
      3 Weighted Pull ups (25#/ 15#)
      3 Bench Press (185#/ 135#)

   AMRAP 15 of:
      3 Pull ups
      3 Bench Press (135#/ 95#)

   AMRAP 10 of:
      5 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
      5 Pushups

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

Joseph Arias does a 120# Weighted Pull up at a Body Weight of 220#

WOD DEMO w Joseph Arias and Thomas Maresca

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Daily Dose of Awesomeness

December 18, 2011

WOD Monday 12/19/11



   Today's WOD was the last event from the "The King of Queens" Competition at CrossFit Queens this pass weekend.

   Back Squat 10000# for men/ 7000# for women
      - After every 8 reps, you must complete a 20' rope climb
      - You can pick whatever weight you like. The less weight you use, the more reps you will have to complete, and the more rope climbs you will have to do. For Example: If you use 225#, you will have to complete 45 reps, thus a total of 5 rope climbs.

   Back Squat 8000#/ 5600#
      - After every 8 reps, you must complete 10 Pull ups *Do Rope Pull ups if your able

   Back Squat 6000#/ 4200#
      - After every 8 reps, you must complete 10 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups

   Back Squat 4000#/ 2800#
      - After every 8 reps, you must complete 10 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau (using 225#) and Joe Marble (using 185#)

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All Hail "The King of Queens"

Team Certified Awesome came...saw...and dominated!  Congratulations to CAA's Dave Charbonneau for taking 1st place in the first ever King of Queens tournament this past Saturday.  Dave took 3rd place in the first WOD and 1st in other three.

For Certified Awesome's first tournament as a team we did pretty damn good;
  • Dave Charbonneau - 1st 
  • Joe Cosenza - 4th 
  • Joe Arias - 11th
  • Elie Zeitlin - 16th
  • Andrew Gelber - 26th
The workouts were pretty tough, but our athletes gave everything they had.  Hopefully this is just the beginning and we will see performances like this in the future.  Next competition I'd like to see Certified Awesome make a clean sweep and take 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.  

Once again congratulations to the team and thanks to the Army of Awesome who showed up in full force to cheer on our athletes.

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

Someone please get this mans diet plan ASAP!

Awesome Eats

Pork Chop Baked with Apple and Sweet Potato

- 12 oz Boneless Pork Loin
- 1 Sweet Potato
- 1 Apple
- Cinnamon, Salt, and Pepper

Cooking Instructions:
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- Thinly slice the Sweet Potato and Apple
- On a large piece of aluminum foil layer sweet potato slices, pork chop, and then apple slices. Then lightly sprinkle with Cinnamon, Salt, and Pepper.
- Wrap well and bake for 40 minutes

December 17, 2011

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

This level of Awesomeness speaks for itself.

Army of Awesome...ASSEMBLE!!!

King Henry VIII led England with an iron fist and a steel blade, King Edward III built the greatest army of his time, King William III brought decades of peace, while King Charles I fell victim to his own civil war.  Now the athletes of Certified Awesome will compete for the crown at The King of Queens Tournament.

Tomorrow Certified Awesome takes on Queens in the "King of Queens" tournament at Crossfit Queens.  The competition will feature 60 athletes and 4 workouts.

WOD 1 “Supermoves”
6 Min to Establish 5RM Hang Snatch (Hip to overhead, need not squat)

WOD 2 (10 min Cut off) “Kris Kros”
255# Deadlift
3x Double Unders

WOD 3: “Walk This Way”
5 min AMRAP
10 Pistols
20′ Handstand Walk

WOD 4: “To Be Announced”
Representing Team Certified Awesome:
  • David Charbonneau
  • Joseph Arias
  • Joe Cosenza
  • Andrew Gelber
  • Elie Zeitlin
Team Certified Awesome fears no evil, for they know the Army of Awesome is with them.  May the most Awesome win.

December 16, 2011

Weekend WOD


   MAX Deadlift


   Shoulder to Overhead, 30 reps (205# for men/ 145# for women)
     *The bar must be picked up from the floor. After that, the bar can be taken from shoulder to overhead using any technique (jerk, push press, etc.)

   Intermediate: (175#/ 125#)

   Beginner: (135#/ 95#)

   Novice: (95#/ 65#)

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

Deadlift Demo w/ David Charbonneau

WOD DEMO w Thomas Maresca --> using an Axle Bar. Only half the WOD ... ran out of video space ...

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Daily Dose of Awesomeness

Abraham Lincoln is a proud supporter of Certified Awesome Blog and he wants everyone to know that each and every single one of us is Awesome in our own way.

December 15, 2011

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

Be super Awesome you will.

Certified Awesome does not tolerate bullies & neither does
Mr. Awesomeness himself...Yoda.
So go forth, Army of Awesome, and stand up to bullies everywhere!

WOD Friday 12/16/11


   Hang Snatch 5-5-5-5-5


   As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 5 minutes of:
     10 pistols (one legged squats), must do 5 on each leg
     Walk on Hands, 20 feet

   AMRAP 5 of:
     10 pistols (one legged squats), must do 5 on each leg (Use a box or chair to sit on, if necessary)
     Modified Handstand Walk from the Wall, 10 each arm. Click here for demo.

   AMRAP 5 of:
     10 squats
     Modified Handstand Walk from the Plank, 10 each arm. Click here for demo.

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

Hang Snatch Demo w Thomas Maresca

WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau and Joey Marble

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Check It Out

                          YES                                    NO                                      NO

This picture was provided by

December 14, 2011

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

Go forth and be awesome.

WOD Thursday 12/15/11



Conditioning: (This is the second WOD that Team Certified Awesome will be seeing at the "King of Queens" Competition this weekend. Wish us luck!)

   21-15-9 repetition rounds of:
     Deadlift (255# for men/ 175# for women)
     Double Under x 3 (This means rounds of 63, 45, and 27 respectively)

   21-15-9 repetition rounds of:
     Deadlift (205#/ 145#)
     Double Under or Lateral Jumps over the bar

   21-15-9 repetition rounds of:
     Deadlift (155#/ 115#)
     Double Under or Lateral Jumps over the bar

   15-12-9 repetition rounds of:
     Deadlift (105#/ 75#)
     Double Under or Lateral Jumps over the bar

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau and Thomas Maresca

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December 13, 2011

WOD Wednesday 12/14/11




   "Nate" --> This is a CrossFit Main Site Hero WOD dedicated to the memory of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, who was killed February 4th, 2008, during combat operations in Iraq. RIP Brother.

   As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:
     2 Muscle ups
     4 Handstand Pushups
     8 KB Swings (70# for men/ 53# for women)

   AMRAP 20 of:
     4 Chest to Bar Pull ups
     4 Handstand Pushups
     8 KB Swings (70# for men/ 53# for women)

   AMRAP 20 of:
     4 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
     4 Pushups
     8 KB Swings (53# for men/ 35# for women)

   AMRAP 10 of:
     4 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
     4 Pushups
     8 KB Swings (35# for men/ 26# for women)

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

Due to technical problems, check our WOD DEMO on Facebook here. Sorry for the inconvenience. While your there, feel free to stop by our page and check out some extra Awesomeness.

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Daily Dose of Awesomeness

One of the required textbooks for Awesomeness 101.

December 12, 2011

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

Reason #378 for proper nutrition. 

How do you Crossfit?

So you guys turn on your computers and click on Certified Awesome Blog, which is #1 on your bookmark list.  You see the workout of the day (WOD) posted for the next day and you say to yourself sweet this is awesome, can't wait to do this tomorrow.  The next day you get into the gym,warm up, get your equipment set up, and you start the workout.  Now millions and millions of the Army of Awesome (AoA) perform the workout, but not everyone goes about it the same way.  I'm going to name and describe the various ways people Crossfit and see where you guys fall.

Gaming It
Gaming the workout is when you go through the workout in a methodical way.  Lets say you have to perform 100 pull ups as part of the workout, so in your head you'll tell yourself ok I'll break this into 10 sets of 10 or 5 sets of 20.  It's when you plan reps or rounds in a given workout.

Sand Bagging It
Sand bagging it is when you purposely perform at a level lower than your capable of.  So lets say your in a competition and you purposely hide your strength and skill to lull your opponent into a false sense of security and then you turn on the jets to get the win, sort of like a hustle.  If you do this your a sand bagging son of a *****.

Blowing Your W.O.D.
So the workout is a 20 min AMRAP and when the clock starts your going as hard as you can and gas out in the first 2 min.  This is ok if your doing a Fran or a short workout, but not one that's going to take 15, 20, 30 minutes.

Self Psych Out
You see the workout and and you keep thinking and thinking about it until you totally cripple your ability to perform at the level your capable of.  You go through the warm up fine, but as soon the workout starts your doubting yourself and making yourself think you can't do it instead of just going into the workout and giving it your best.  You have the physical tools, but you take yourself out of the workout mentally.

Babying It
Your having a tough time with the workout and you get frustrated and quit.  "I can't get more than one or two reps in a row, stupid workout."  You complete 3 out of 5 rounds a decide that was too hard and go cry in the corner.  Crying, sobbing, whining, and complaining are tell tale signs of being a baby.

Honey Badger It
Clock starts, you do what you have to do and whatever happens happens.  Everyone knows honey badgers don't give a crap.

So how do you Crossfit?  

WOD Tuesday 12/13/11




   As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:
     5 Thrusters (135# for men/ 95# for women)
     10 Burpee Box Jump (24"/ 20")
     20 Double Unders

   AMRAP 20 of:
      5 Thrusters (115# for men/ 80# for women)
     10 Burpee Box Jump (24"/ 20")
     20 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps

   AMRAP 20 of:
      5 Thrusters (95# for men/ 65# for women)
     10 Burpee Box Jump (20"/ 16")
     20 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps

   AMRAP 10 of:
      5 Thrusters (65# for men/ 45# for women)
     10 Burpee Box Jump (20"/ 16")
     20 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

WOD DEMO w Christina Gloger from CrossFit Long Island City

Team Certified Awesome and CrossFit Long Island City do today's WOD - Some of the guys scaled up to 155# for additional self punishment, fell free to do the same.

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December 11, 2011

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

Too bad here at Certified Awesome we only breed winners. 

WOD Monday 12/12/11


   Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3
     *You have 25 seconds to complete the reps
     *Resting 3 to 5 minutes in between sets should be sufficient


   Power "Elizabeth"
   21-15-9 rep rounds of:
     Power Cleans (135# for men/ 95# for women)

   21-15-9 rep rounds of:
     Power Cleans (115# for men/ 80# for women)

   21-15-9 rep rounds of:
     Power Cleans (95# for men/ 65# for women)
     Push ups

   15-12-9 rep rounds of:
     Power Cleans (65# for men/ 45# for women)
     Push ups

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

Power Clean x 3 w Thomas Maresca

WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau

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Awesome Eats

Shrimp and Chicken Stir Fry with Asian Greens


- 3 oz Chicken Breast (cut into strips)
- 3 oz Shrimp (cleaned and tail removed)
- 1/4 cup Water Chestnuts (sliced)
- 2 tbsp Slivered Almonds
- 2 tbsp Green Onions (sliced)
- 1 tbsp Ginger Root (minced)
- 1 tbsp Garlic (minced)
- 2 tbsp Lime Juice
- 2 tbsp Orange Juice
- 1 tbsp Reduced Sodium Soy Sauce
- 2 cups Watercress
- 1 cup Spinach
- 1/2 cup bean Sprouts
- 2 tbsp Sesame Oil                                                                               
- Nonstick Cooking Spray

- Heat pan with Nonstick Cooking Spray over medium heat.
- Add Green Onions, Garlic, and Ginger and saute for 1 minute.
- Add Chicken and Shrimp and stir-fry for about 3-4 minutes.
- Add Lime Juice, Orange Juice, Soy Sauce, Almonds, and Water Chestnuts and bring to a simmer.
- Cook for an additional 2 minutes or until Chicken and Shrimp are fully cooked.
- Remove mixture from pan
- Add Sesame Oil to pan and heat over medium-high heat
- Add the Watercress, Spinach, and Bean Sprouts and saute for 4-5 minutes
- Mix in Chicken and Shrimp mixture, and then remove entire mix and serve.

December 9, 2011

Weekend WOD




   9-7-5 rep rounds of:
   Muscle up
   Squat Snatch (135# for men/ 95# for women)

   9-7-5 rep rounds of:
   3 x Pull up (so 27-21-15)
   3 x Dip (so 27-21-15)
   Squat Snatch (95#/ 65#)

   9-7-5 rep rounds of:
   Pull up or Jumping Pull up
   Squat Snatch (45#/ 35#)

   9-7-5 rep rounds of:
   Pull up or Jumping Pull up
   Bench Dip
   Squat Snatch (PVC pipe/ Broomstick/ Light Bar) --> *Really focus on getting the technique of the movement

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau

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Daily Dose of Awesomeness

You mean I'm not supposed to go head first into the hurdle?

December 8, 2011

Daily Dose of Awesomness


WOD Friday 12/9/11




   21-15-9 rep rounds of:
     Thruster (95# for men/ 65# for women)
     Pull ups

   21-15-9 rep rounds of:
     Thruster (65#/ 45#)
     Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups

   21-15-9 rep rounds of:
     Thruster (45#/ 35#)
     Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau

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December 7, 2011

Daily Dose of Awesomness

Brock Lesnar eats bacon and dumbbells for breakfast everyday...FACT. 

Today is the last day of wrestling related daily doses for a while. Hope you enjoyed them as much we did.

WOD Thursday 12/8/11


   MAX Deadlift


   50 Deadlifts
     *Every minute, on the minute, you must complete 5 box jumps. The clock continues to run the entire time, so the faster you complete the box jumps, the more time you have to do the Deadlifts. For the box jumps, you must stand up completely on the top of the box for a rep to count.

     Deadlift: (275# for men/ 185# for women)
     Box Jump: (30"/ 24")

     Deadlift: (225#/ 155#)
     Box Jump: (30"/ 24")

     Deadlift: (185#/ 125#)
     Box Jump: (24"/ 20")

     Deadlift: (135#/ 95#)
     Box Jump: (20"/ 16")

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

MAX Deadlift w David Charbonneau

WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau -- Few reps deep when the video starts, camera was on picture mode ...

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December 6, 2011

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

Keeping with the wrestling theme...I present to you THE Ultimate Warrior. Dude is looking more jacked then ever. Age is never an excuse guys!

WOD Wednesday 12/7/11




   5 rounds of:
     200m row
     15 KB Swings (53# for men/ 35# for women)
     10 Burpees

   5 rounds of:
     200m row
     15 KB Swings (35#/ 26#)
     10 Burpees

   3 rounds of:
     200m row
     15 KB Swings (35#/ 26#)
     10 Burpees

WOD DEMO - This is one round of the workout (Sorry for the poor video quality)

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December 5, 2011

WOD Tuesday 12/6/11


   MAX Snatch


   7 rounds of:
     35 Double Unders
     1 Snatch (This should be at least 85% of the MAX you previously established)

   7 rounds of:
     35 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps
     1 Snatch (75% of the MAX you previously established)

   5 rounds of:
     35 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps
     5 Overhead Squats (95# for men/ 65# for women)

   5 rounds of:
     25 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps
     5 Overhead Squats (45# for men/ 35# for women)

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

SNATCH DEMO w Joseph Arias

WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau - This is only the first 3 rounds

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Daily Dose of Awesomeness

If we all can reach just 1/10th of the awesomeness that is Hulk Hogan we will have made the world a better place.

Finnally some great quotes by a TRUE American hero, Hulk Hogan.

"Say your prayers, take your vitamins and you will never go wrong"
"God created the Heavens. He created the earth! He created all the Hulkamaniacs! Then, he created a set of 24-inch pythons, brother!

The Monthly Movement

This months movement is the...

Inverted Row:


  • Inverted rows are great for back strength.  They work your lats, traps, biceps, and other small muscles in your back.
  • It is a great substitute for those who have problems with pull ups and chin ups.
  • Being a body weight exercise it can be done more frequently than heavy weights without having an adverse affect on your performance while also decreasing the chance of injury.
  • Its one of the only exercises that justifies the existence of a smith machine.
  • Set up a bar laying across a power rack, squat rack, or smith machine.  Now lay on your back under the bar with the bar directly above your chest.  
  • Grab the bar with your hands about shoulder width apart.  At the start position your arms should be fully extended with your back and butt an inch or two off the ground.
  • Keep your shoulders back and down, chest up and begin to pull up towards the bar.  
  • Make sure your chest touches the bar and squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top then lower yourself back down.
  • Keep your torso, hips, and legs tight and in a straight line like your would while performing a push up.

So there you go guys, the inverted row.  It's a great exercise even if you are able to do pull ups and chin ups.  As the demo shows you could raise or lower the bar to decrease or increase the difficulty respectively.  Also you could elevate your legs using a platform or bench to increase the difficulty.  Try to mess around with it and throw it into your workouts.

Train hard and train smart.

December 4, 2011

WOD Monday 12/5/11




   "Murph" - This is a CrossFit Main Site WOD dedicated to the memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28, 2005. He earned the Medal of Honor, the highest military decoration awarded by the U.S. government, for his heroic actions. His story of heroism is absolutely amazing, check it out here.

   Run 1 mile
   100 Pull ups
   200 Push ups
   300 Squats
   Run 1 mile
   *Partition the pull-ups, pushups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

   Run .5 mile
   50 Pull ups
   100 Push ups
   150 Squats
   Run .5 mile

   Run .25 mile
   25 Pull ups
   50 Push ups
   75 Squats
   Run .25 mile

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

WOD DEMO w Joseph Arias

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Awesome Eats

Easy Oven Baked Kabobs

8 oz Chicken (cubed)
8 oz Shrimp
1 Red Onion (cut into wedges)
1/2 cup pineapple (cubed)
1/2 red pepper (cut into bite size wedges)
1/2 green pepper (cut into bite size wedges)
1/2 yellow pepper (cut into bite size wedges)
12 cherry tomatoes 
White Vinegar (3 tbsp)
Olive Oil (3 tbsp)

Place onto skewer (alternating ingredients) 
Drizzle with white vinegar and olive oil 
Sprinkle with pepper and paprika 
Preheat oven 350 degrees
Place skewers onto baking sheet 
Bake for 20 minutes. 

(makes 2-3 servings)

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

I wish my business cards were this awesome.

December 2, 2011

Weekend WOD


   MAX front Squat


   3 rounds of:
     7 Power Cleans (245# for men/ 165# for women)
     500m run

   3 rounds of:
     7 Power Cleans (205#/ 145#)
     500m run

   3 rounds of:
     7 Power Cleans (135#/ 95#)
     500m run

   3 rounds of:
     7 Power Cleans (95#/ 65# for women)
     500m run

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

Max Front Squat w David Charbonneau

WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau and Joseph Arias - This is just the first round of Power Cleans

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Daily Dose of Awesomeness

No bragony!

December 1, 2011

Daily Dose of Awesomeness

We all know someone like this. Let's all stop the complaining and get moving. 

WOD Friday 12/2/11




   25 Toes through Ring
   1 Muscle Up
   20 Toes through Ring
   2 Muscle Up
   15 Toes through Ring
   3 Muscle Up
   10 Toes through Ring
   4 Muscle Up
   5 Toes through Ring
   5 Muscle Up

   25 Toes to Bar (T2B)
   5 Dips
   20 T2B
   10 Dips
   15 T2B
   15 Dips
   10 T2B
   20 Dips
   5 T2B
   25 Dips

   15 Knees to Elbow (K2E)
   3 Dips
   12 K2E
   6 Dips
   9 K2E
   9 Dips
   6 K2E
   12 Dips
   3 K2E
   15 Dips

   15 Sit ups
   3 Bench Dips
   12 Sit ups
   6 Bench Dips
   9 Sit ups
   9 Bench Dips
   6 Sit ups
   12 Bench Dips
   3 Sit ups
   15 Bench Dips

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale.

WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau

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