December 12, 2011

How do you Crossfit?

So you guys turn on your computers and click on Certified Awesome Blog, which is #1 on your bookmark list.  You see the workout of the day (WOD) posted for the next day and you say to yourself sweet this is awesome, can't wait to do this tomorrow.  The next day you get into the gym,warm up, get your equipment set up, and you start the workout.  Now millions and millions of the Army of Awesome (AoA) perform the workout, but not everyone goes about it the same way.  I'm going to name and describe the various ways people Crossfit and see where you guys fall.

Gaming It
Gaming the workout is when you go through the workout in a methodical way.  Lets say you have to perform 100 pull ups as part of the workout, so in your head you'll tell yourself ok I'll break this into 10 sets of 10 or 5 sets of 20.  It's when you plan reps or rounds in a given workout.

Sand Bagging It
Sand bagging it is when you purposely perform at a level lower than your capable of.  So lets say your in a competition and you purposely hide your strength and skill to lull your opponent into a false sense of security and then you turn on the jets to get the win, sort of like a hustle.  If you do this your a sand bagging son of a *****.

Blowing Your W.O.D.
So the workout is a 20 min AMRAP and when the clock starts your going as hard as you can and gas out in the first 2 min.  This is ok if your doing a Fran or a short workout, but not one that's going to take 15, 20, 30 minutes.

Self Psych Out
You see the workout and and you keep thinking and thinking about it until you totally cripple your ability to perform at the level your capable of.  You go through the warm up fine, but as soon the workout starts your doubting yourself and making yourself think you can't do it instead of just going into the workout and giving it your best.  You have the physical tools, but you take yourself out of the workout mentally.

Babying It
Your having a tough time with the workout and you get frustrated and quit.  "I can't get more than one or two reps in a row, stupid workout."  You complete 3 out of 5 rounds a decide that was too hard and go cry in the corner.  Crying, sobbing, whining, and complaining are tell tale signs of being a baby.

Honey Badger It
Clock starts, you do what you have to do and whatever happens happens.  Everyone knows honey badgers don't give a crap.

So how do you Crossfit?  


  1. Great article. I do all of these but I think we can all agree im the king of the self psych out, just like today. Im trying super hard every day to not blow my W.O.D and so far things are looking better. PROGRESS!!!!!

  2. Haha!
    joe, you are also the motivational king. No more psych outs. people look up to you, papa badger.
    honey badger it all the way!
