December 2, 2011

Weekend WOD


   MAX front Squat


   3 rounds of:
     7 Power Cleans (245# for men/ 165# for women)
     500m run

   3 rounds of:
     7 Power Cleans (205#/ 145#)
     500m run

   3 rounds of:
     7 Power Cleans (135#/ 95#)
     500m run

   3 rounds of:
     7 Power Cleans (95#/ 65# for women)
     500m run

*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.

Max Front Squat w David Charbonneau

WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau and Joseph Arias - This is just the first round of Power Cleans

Post Weights and Times to Comments


  1. Great wod, guys!
    10:10 (185lbs). Still trying to get my weights up. Probably should have gone a little heavier.

  2. as prescribed...10:32 im coming for you mr.charbonneau!!!

    good job bearded hero

  3. As the weakest of the pack, and not knowing what pace you guys were gonna set, I got 13:00 @ 165. Def was not feeling strong after the max front squat (which I got 245) and nutts the day before. But still, not an excuse. I'll have to work harder and do better! Good job guys!

  4. looking forward to this workout!!
