"The Seven"
7 rounds for time of:
7 Handstand Push ups
7 Thrusters (135#/ 95#)
7 Knees to Elbow
7 Deadlift (245#/ 170#)
7 Burpees
7 KB Swings (70#/ 53#)
7 Pull ups
7 rounds for time of:
7 Push ups
7 Thrusters (115#/ 80#)
7 Knees to Elbow
7 Deadlift (185#/ 135#)
7 Burpees
7 KB Swings (53#/ 35#)
7 Pull ups
5 rounds for time of:
5 Push ups
5 Thrusters (95#/ 65#)
5 Knees to Elbow
5 Deadlift (135#/ 95#)
5 Burpees
5 KB Swings (35#/ 26#)
5 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
5 rounds for time of:
5 Push ups
5 Thrusters (65#/ 45#)
5 Knees to Elbow
5 Deadlift (95#/ 65#)
5 Burpees
5 KB Swings (35#/ 26#)
5 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau --> First rd of WOD
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January 31, 2012
Daily Dose of Awesomeness
Whatever your sport is, dominate it!
This is a week long dose of motivational Awesomeness.
January 30, 2012
WOD Tuesday 1/31/12
Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
3 rounds for time of:
12 Muscle ups
75 Squats
3 rounds for time of:
25 Dips or Bench Dips
50 Squats
3 rounds for time of:
15 Dips or Bench Dips
25 Squats
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
Front Squat DEMO w David Charbonneau
WOD DEMO w Joey Marble --> Third round
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Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
3 rounds for time of:
12 Muscle ups
75 Squats
3 rounds for time of:
25 Dips or Bench Dips
50 Squats
3 rounds for time of:
15 Dips or Bench Dips
25 Squats
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
Front Squat DEMO w David Charbonneau
WOD DEMO w Joey Marble --> Third round
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Daily Dose of Awesomeness
Get off the couch and get moving ASAP!
This is a week long dose of motivational Awesomeness.
January 29, 2012
WOD Monday 1/30/12
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 7 minutes of:
10 Overhead Squats (95#/ 65#)
30 Double Unders
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 5 minutes of:
2 Rope Climbs
14 KB Swings (70#/ 53#)
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
6 Burpees
6 DumbBell Ground to Overhead (40#/ 30#)
*Your Score is the Total Number of Reps Completed through all of the AMRAPs.
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
10 Overhead Squats (65#/ 45#)
30 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 5 minutes of:
7 Pull ups
14 KB Swings (53#/ 35#)
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
6 Burpees
6 DumbBell Ground to Overhead (30#/ 20#)
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
10 Overhead Squats (45#/ 35#)
30 Jump rope skips
Rest 2 minute
AMRAP in 5 minutes of:
7 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
14 KB Swings (35#/ 26#)
Rest 2 minute
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
6 Burpees
6 DumbBell Ground to Overhead (20#/ 15#)
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau and Joseph Arias --> shows first minute of each AMRAP
Post Total Number of Reps Completed to Comments
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 7 minutes of:
10 Overhead Squats (95#/ 65#)
30 Double Unders
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 5 minutes of:
2 Rope Climbs
14 KB Swings (70#/ 53#)
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
6 Burpees
6 DumbBell Ground to Overhead (40#/ 30#)
*Your Score is the Total Number of Reps Completed through all of the AMRAPs.
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
10 Overhead Squats (65#/ 45#)
30 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 5 minutes of:
7 Pull ups
14 KB Swings (53#/ 35#)
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
6 Burpees
6 DumbBell Ground to Overhead (30#/ 20#)
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
10 Overhead Squats (45#/ 35#)
30 Jump rope skips
Rest 2 minute
AMRAP in 5 minutes of:
7 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
14 KB Swings (35#/ 26#)
Rest 2 minute
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
6 Burpees
6 DumbBell Ground to Overhead (20#/ 15#)
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau and Joseph Arias --> shows first minute of each AMRAP
Post Total Number of Reps Completed to Comments
January 27, 2012
Weekend WOD
5 rounds of:
500m row
10 One Arm Kettlebell Thrusters, each arm (53#/ 35#)
15 GHD sit ups
5 rounds of:
250m row
10 One Arm Kettlebell Thrusters, each arm (35#/ 26#)
15 sit ups
3 rounds of:
250m row
10 One Arm Dumbbell Thrusters, each arm (20#/ 15#)
15 sit ups
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w Joseph Arias
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5 rounds of:
500m row
10 One Arm Kettlebell Thrusters, each arm (53#/ 35#)
15 GHD sit ups
5 rounds of:
250m row
10 One Arm Kettlebell Thrusters, each arm (35#/ 26#)
15 sit ups
3 rounds of:
250m row
10 One Arm Dumbbell Thrusters, each arm (20#/ 15#)
15 sit ups
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w Joseph Arias
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Daily Dose of Awesomeness
This commercial is freaking awesome. You're welcome for the free advertising Nike. We expect a 50lb box of Nike swag in our office by Monday.
January 26, 2012
WOD Friday 1/27/12
MAX Javelin Press (One Arm Barbell Press), each arm
3 rounds of:
5 Power Cleans (225#/ 155#)
10 Box Jumps (24"/ 20")
15 Ring Rows
Intermediate: 185#/ 135#
Beginner: 135#/ 95#
Novice: 95#/ 65#
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
Javelin Press DEMO w Thomas Maresca --> 135#
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau
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MAX Javelin Press (One Arm Barbell Press), each arm
3 rounds of:
5 Power Cleans (225#/ 155#)
10 Box Jumps (24"/ 20")
15 Ring Rows
Intermediate: 185#/ 135#
Beginner: 135#/ 95#
Novice: 95#/ 65#
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
Javelin Press DEMO w Thomas Maresca --> 135#
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau
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January 25, 2012
WOD Thursday 1/26/12
MAX Deadlift
7 rounds of:
7 Front Squats (165#/ 115#)
7 Chest to Bar Pull ups
7 rounds of:
7 Front Squats (135#/ 95#)
7 Pull ups
5 rounds of:
7 Front Squats (95#/ 65#)
7 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
5 rounds of:
7 Front Squats (45#/ 35#)
7 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
We had two Deadlift PRs today. Congratulations to Andrew Gelber and Batcheva Gutterman on setting new personal bests! Andrew hit 435#, improving 10# from last time. Batcheva hit 245#, improving by a whopping 50#! Way to go guys! Here are some vids of their feats.
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau
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MAX Deadlift
7 rounds of:
7 Front Squats (165#/ 115#)
7 Chest to Bar Pull ups
7 rounds of:
7 Front Squats (135#/ 95#)
7 Pull ups
5 rounds of:
7 Front Squats (95#/ 65#)
7 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
5 rounds of:
7 Front Squats (45#/ 35#)
7 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
We had two Deadlift PRs today. Congratulations to Andrew Gelber and Batcheva Gutterman on setting new personal bests! Andrew hit 435#, improving 10# from last time. Batcheva hit 245#, improving by a whopping 50#! Way to go guys! Here are some vids of their feats.
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau
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January 24, 2012
WOD Wednesday 1/25/12
Strict Press: 1-1-1-1-1
Push Press: 3-3-3-3-3
Jerk: 5-5-5-5-5
100 Ring Push ups
Every time you stop, you must complete 20 GHD sit ups
75 Ring Push ups
Every time you stop, you must complete 10 GHD sit ups
50 Push ups
Every time you stop, you must complete 15 sit ups
25 Push ups
Every time you stop, you must complete 10 sit ups
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
Strict Press/ Push Press/ Push Jerk Tri-Panel from
WOD DEMO w Joey Marble
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Strict Press: 1-1-1-1-1
Push Press: 3-3-3-3-3
Jerk: 5-5-5-5-5
100 Ring Push ups
Every time you stop, you must complete 20 GHD sit ups
75 Ring Push ups
Every time you stop, you must complete 10 GHD sit ups
50 Push ups
Every time you stop, you must complete 15 sit ups
25 Push ups
Every time you stop, you must complete 10 sit ups
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
Strict Press/ Push Press/ Push Jerk Tri-Panel from
WOD DEMO w Joey Marble
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January 23, 2012
WOD Tuesday 1/24/12
5 rounds of:
800m run
30 KB Swings (70#/ 53#)
30 Pull ups
3 rounds of:
800m run
30 KB Swings (53#/ 35#)
30 Pull ups
3 rounds of:
400m run
15 KB Swings (35#/ 26#)
15 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
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5 rounds of:
800m run
30 KB Swings (70#/ 53#)
30 Pull ups
3 rounds of:
800m run
30 KB Swings (53#/ 35#)
30 Pull ups
3 rounds of:
400m run
15 KB Swings (35#/ 26#)
15 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
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January 22, 2012
WOD Monday 1/23/12
1 minute of Stones Over a 50" Bar. 5 minutes Rest. 1 minute of Stones. 5 minutes of Rest. 1 minute of Stones.
- If you do not have access to Stones, do Power Cleans
- Choose a challenging weight --> A weight where it would be very difficult to get 10 reps
"Death By Push Jerk"
- With a continuos running clock; do 1 Push Jerk the first minute, 2 Push Jerks the second minute, 3 Push Jerks the third minute, and so on until you cannot complete the allotted number of Push Jerks within that minute.
Advanced: (185#/ 135#)
Intermediate: (135#/ 95#)
Beginner: (95#/ 65#)
Novice: (65#/ 45#)
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
Strength WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau, Joseph Arias, and Joey Marble
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau
Post Weights, Rounds, and Reps to Comments
1 minute of Stones Over a 50" Bar. 5 minutes Rest. 1 minute of Stones. 5 minutes of Rest. 1 minute of Stones.
- If you do not have access to Stones, do Power Cleans
- Choose a challenging weight --> A weight where it would be very difficult to get 10 reps
"Death By Push Jerk"
- With a continuos running clock; do 1 Push Jerk the first minute, 2 Push Jerks the second minute, 3 Push Jerks the third minute, and so on until you cannot complete the allotted number of Push Jerks within that minute.
Advanced: (185#/ 135#)
Intermediate: (135#/ 95#)
Beginner: (95#/ 65#)
Novice: (65#/ 45#)
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
Strength WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau, Joseph Arias, and Joey Marble
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau
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Awesome Eats
If you have the extra time, a chicken potpie is always a delicious meal option. I got this recipe from
Light Chicken Potpie
For the Crust:
1 cup all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon fine salt
4 tablespoon cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
1 large egg
2 tablespoons 2% milk
For the Filling:
2 small russet potatoes
4 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
5 medium carrots, cut into large chunks
1 to 2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 large onion, finely diced
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/3 cup 2% milk
3 stalks celery, sliced
3 cups shredded rotisserie chicken
1/2 cup fat-free plain Greek yogurt
1 cup frozen peas
1/2 cup minced fresh parsley
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
Prepare the crust: Pulse the flour, baking powder and salt in a food processor until combined. Add the butter, one piece at a time, pulsing until the mixture looks like coarse meal. Separate the egg; refrigerate the egg white. Beat the egg yolk and milk in a bowl, then add to the food processor, pulsing untilthe dough comes together. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and gather into a ball. Flatten into a disk, wrap in plastic wrap and chill at least 1 hour.
Meanwhile, making the filling: Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Prick the potatoes with a fork and bake directly on the oven rack until tender, about 45 minutes. Cool slightly, then peel and break into small pieces.
Bring the chicken broth, carrots and thyme to a simmer in a small saucepan over medium heat and cook 2 minutes; cover and keep warm. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the onion and cook until soft, about 8 minutes. Sprinkle in the flour and stir until lightly toasted, about 3 minutes. Add the milk, celery, potato pieces and the warm broth mixture and simmer until thickened, about 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the chicken, yogurt, peas and parsley. Season with salt and pepper.
Transfer the filling to a 2-quart casserole dish. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface until 1/2 inch thick and slightly larger than the dish. Beat the reserved egg white in a bowl; brush over the dough and season with salt and pepper. Press the dough against the sides of the dish. Place on a baking sheet and bake until the crust is golden brown, 20 to 25 minutes.
Perserving (1 cups): Calories 482; Fat 19g (Saturated 8 g); Cholesterol 137 mg; Sodium 795 mg; Carbohydrate 47 g; Fiber 5 g; Protein 31 g
January 20, 2012
Weekend WOD
15 Hang Clean & Lunges with Axle Bar (135#/ 95#), lunge with each leg for each rep
30 Box Jump (30"/ 24")
15 Hang Clean & Lunges with Axle Bar
15 Hang Clean & Lunges with Axle Bar (95#/ 65#), lunge with each leg for each rep
30 Box Jump (24"/ 20")
15 Hang Clean & Lunges with Axle Bar
15 Hang Clean & Lunges with Axle Bar (65#/ 45#), lunge with each leg for each rep
30 Box Jump (24"/ 20")
15 Hang Clean & Lunges with Axle Bar
15 Walking Lunges, each leg
30 Box Jump
15 Walking Lunges, each leg
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau
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15 Hang Clean & Lunges with Axle Bar (135#/ 95#), lunge with each leg for each rep
30 Box Jump (30"/ 24")
15 Hang Clean & Lunges with Axle Bar
15 Hang Clean & Lunges with Axle Bar (95#/ 65#), lunge with each leg for each rep
30 Box Jump (24"/ 20")
15 Hang Clean & Lunges with Axle Bar
15 Hang Clean & Lunges with Axle Bar (65#/ 45#), lunge with each leg for each rep
30 Box Jump (24"/ 20")
15 Hang Clean & Lunges with Axle Bar
15 Walking Lunges, each leg
30 Box Jump
15 Walking Lunges, each leg
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau
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January 19, 2012
WOD Friday 1/20/12
21-15-9 rep rounds of:
Wall ball
KB Swing (53#/ 35#)
21-15-9 rep rounds of:
Wall ball
KB Swing (35#/ 26#)
15-12-9 rep rounds of:
Wall ball
KB Swing (35#/ 26#)
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21-15-9 rep rounds of:
Wall ball
KB Swing (53#/ 35#)
21-15-9 rep rounds of:
Wall ball
KB Swing (35#/ 26#)
15-12-9 rep rounds of:
Wall ball
KB Swing (35#/ 26#)
Post Times to Comments
January 18, 2012
WOD Thursday 1/19/12
Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3
6 rounds of:
5 Power Snatches (135#/ 95#)
200m Run
Intermediate: (95#/ 65#)
Beginner: (65#/ 45#)
Novice: (45#/ 35#)
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w Joey Marble and Joseph Arias
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Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3
6 rounds of:
5 Power Snatches (135#/ 95#)
200m Run
Intermediate: (95#/ 65#)
Beginner: (65#/ 45#)
Novice: (45#/ 35#)
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w Joey Marble and Joseph Arias
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January 17, 2012
WOD Wednesday 1/18/12
5 rounds of:
5 Clean & Jerks (155#/ 105#)
7 Burpees
250m Row
5 rounds of:
5 Clean & Jerks (135#/ 95#)
7 Burpees
250m Row
3 rounds of:
5 Clean & Jerks (95#/ 65#)
7 Burpees
250m Row
3 rounds of:
5 Clean & Jerks (65#/ 45#)
7 Burpees
250m Row
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau -- First round of the WOD
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5 rounds of:
5 Clean & Jerks (155#/ 105#)
7 Burpees
250m Row
5 rounds of:
5 Clean & Jerks (135#/ 95#)
7 Burpees
250m Row
3 rounds of:
5 Clean & Jerks (95#/ 65#)
7 Burpees
250m Row
3 rounds of:
5 Clean & Jerks (65#/ 45#)
7 Burpees
250m Row
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau -- First round of the WOD
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January 16, 2012
WOD Tuesday 1/17/12
3 rounds of:
7 Muscle ups
21 DumbBell Thrusters (35#/ 25#)
3 rounds of:
21 Pullups
21 Dips
21 DumbBell Thrusters (30#/ 20#)
3 rounds of:
21 Pushups
21 DumbBell Thrusters (25#/ 15#)
3 rounds of:
14 Pushups
21 DumbBell Thrusters (20#/ 10#)
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w Joey Marble -- Camera ran out of memory ... no last round of thrusters
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3 rounds of:
7 Muscle ups
21 DumbBell Thrusters (35#/ 25#)
3 rounds of:
21 Pullups
21 Dips
21 DumbBell Thrusters (30#/ 20#)
3 rounds of:
21 Pushups
21 DumbBell Thrusters (25#/ 15#)
3 rounds of:
14 Pushups
21 DumbBell Thrusters (20#/ 10#)
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w Joey Marble -- Camera ran out of memory ... no last round of thrusters
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January 15, 2012
WOD Monday 1/16/12
Run 5K.
*The goal is to do this as fast as possible. If you cannot run, walk fast. Time yourself and write it down somewhere so that you can try to beat it next time.
*If you use a treadmill, put it on a 1.0 incline to better simulate the road run.
Rest as needed (try to keep it under 20 min) then:
Max repetition Deadlift in two minutes.
Advanced: (275# for men/ 185# for women)
Intermediate: (185/ 115)
Beginner: (115/ 75)
Novice: (70# kettlebell/ 53# kettlebell)
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
Post Times and Reps to Comments
Awesome Eats
Found this delicious breakfast recipe at
Crustless Smoked Turkey and Spinach Quiche
- 4 oz cubed turkey
- 1/2 cup chopped onion
- 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
- 3/4 cup shredded swiss cheese
- 1 cup fresh baby spinach leaves
- 1 cup fat-free cottage cheese
- 1/2 cup evaporated fat-free milk
- 1/4 cup shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheese
- 2 large eggs
- 2 large egg whites
- 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Coat pan with cooking spray. Add ham, onion, and pepper to pan; saute 4 minutes or until ham is lightly browned.
- Sprinkle 1/4 cup shredded swiss cheese in a 9-inch pie plate coated with cooking spray. Top with ham mixture.
- Combine remaining 1/2 cup swiss cheese, spinach, and next 5 ingredients (through egg whites) in a large bowl; stir with a whisk.
- Lightly spoon flour into a dry measuring cup; level with a knife. Combine flour and baking powder in a small bowl, stirring with a whisk. Add flour mixture to egg mixture, stirring with a whisk until blended. Pour egg mixture over ham mixture. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes or until a knife inserted in center of quiche comes out clean
Wendy McMillan, Longmont, Colorado, Cooking Light, June 2008
January 13, 2012
Weekend WOD 1/14/11
2 rounds of:
10 Handstand push ups
20 Pull ups
30 Push ups
40 Box jumps (24"/20")
50 Double under's
2 rounds of:
10 Handstand push ups facing the wall
20 Chin ups
30 Push ups
40 Box jumps (20"/16")
50 Double under's
2 rounds of:
10 Handstand push ups negatives
20 Jumping pull ups
30 Push ups from knees
40 Tuck jumps
50 Double under's
2 rounds of:
10 Assisted handstand push ups
20 Inverted rows
30 Incline push ups (ex: place hands on bench)
40 Squats
50 Jump rope singles
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
January 12, 2012
WOD Friday 1/13/12
Ring Dips 5-4-3-2-1
4 rounds of:
10 Burpees
15 Overhead Squats (95#/ 65#)
20 Glute Ham Developer (GHD) Sit ups
3 rounds of:
10 Burpees
15 Overhead Squats (65#/ 45#)
20 Glute Ham Developer (GHD) Sit ups
3 rounds of:
10 Burpees
15 Overhead Squats (45#/ 35#)
20 Sit ups
3 rounds of:
10 Burpees
15 Squats
20 Sit ups
*If you do not have a GHD, feel free to be creative. In our WOD DEMO we use a GHD that we made using stuff we found at the gym. You can also substitute decline sit ups or do double the amount of sit ups.
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
Ring Dip DEMO w Joe "Marble" Cosenza
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau -- First round of WOD
Post Weights and Times to Comments
Ring Dips 5-4-3-2-1
4 rounds of:
10 Burpees
15 Overhead Squats (95#/ 65#)
20 Glute Ham Developer (GHD) Sit ups
3 rounds of:
10 Burpees
15 Overhead Squats (65#/ 45#)
20 Glute Ham Developer (GHD) Sit ups
3 rounds of:
10 Burpees
15 Overhead Squats (45#/ 35#)
20 Sit ups
3 rounds of:
10 Burpees
15 Squats
20 Sit ups
*If you do not have a GHD, feel free to be creative. In our WOD DEMO we use a GHD that we made using stuff we found at the gym. You can also substitute decline sit ups or do double the amount of sit ups.
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
Ring Dip DEMO w Joe "Marble" Cosenza
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau -- First round of WOD
Post Weights and Times to Comments
January 11, 2012
WOD Thursday 1/12/12
4 rounds of:
3 Front Squat (185# for men/ 135# for women)
3 Thruster (185#/ 135#)
3 Shoulder to Overhead (185#/ 135#)
12 Pull ups
(155#/ 105#)
(135#/ 95#)
(95#/ 65#)
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w Joseph Arias -- Only the first round of the workout
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4 rounds of:
3 Front Squat (185# for men/ 135# for women)
3 Thruster (185#/ 135#)
3 Shoulder to Overhead (185#/ 135#)
12 Pull ups
(155#/ 105#)
(135#/ 95#)
(95#/ 65#)
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w Joseph Arias -- Only the first round of the workout
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January 10, 2012
Daily Dose of Awesomeness
Welcome to AHMURIKA!
Bad mouth my country and me and my crew of jacked bald eagles will come fight you.
WOD Wednesday 1/11/12
5 Squat Snatches (135# for men/ 95# for women)
50 Wallballs
6 Squat Snatches
40 Wallballs
7 Squat Snatches
30 Wallballs
8 Squat Snatches
20 Wallballs
9 Squat Snatches
10 Wallballs
6 Squat Snatches (95#/ 65#)
40 Wallballs
7 Squat Snatches
30 Wallballs
8 Squat Snatches
20 Wallballs
9 Squat Snatches
10 Wallballs
6 Squat Snatches (65#/ 45#)
30 Wallballs
7 Squat Snatches
20 Wallballs
8 Squat Snatches
10 Wallballs
5 Squat Snatches (45#/ 35#)
30 Wallballs
5 Squat Snatches
20 Wallballs
5 Squat Snatches
10 Wallballs
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau -- The first and last round
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5 Squat Snatches (135# for men/ 95# for women)
50 Wallballs
6 Squat Snatches
40 Wallballs
7 Squat Snatches
30 Wallballs
8 Squat Snatches
20 Wallballs
9 Squat Snatches
10 Wallballs
6 Squat Snatches (95#/ 65#)
40 Wallballs
7 Squat Snatches
30 Wallballs
8 Squat Snatches
20 Wallballs
9 Squat Snatches
10 Wallballs
6 Squat Snatches (65#/ 45#)
30 Wallballs
7 Squat Snatches
20 Wallballs
8 Squat Snatches
10 Wallballs
5 Squat Snatches (45#/ 35#)
30 Wallballs
5 Squat Snatches
20 Wallballs
5 Squat Snatches
10 Wallballs
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau -- The first and last round
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January 9, 2012
Daily Dose of Awesomeness
This is what the future of America is. As long as you feed your kid a steady diet of ice cream, pizza, and Mcdonald's you too can have a kidnap resistant child.
WOD Tuesday 1/10/12
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 15 minutes of:
8 Shoulder to Overhead (155# for men/ 105# for women)
50ft Odd Object Carry (75% of bodyweight)
15 Box Jumps (24"/ 20")
50ft Odd Object Carry
AMRAP 15 of:
8 Shoulder to Overhead (135# for men/ 95# for women)
50ft Odd Object Carry (50% of bodyweight)
15 Box Jumps (24"/ 20")
50ft Odd Object Carry
AMRAP 15 of:
8 Shoulder to Overhead (95# for men/ 65# for women)
50ft Odd Object Carry (25% of bodyweight)
15 Box Jumps (20"/ 16")
50ft Odd Object Carry
AMRAP 10 of:
8 Shoulder to Overhead (65# for men/ 45# for women)
50ft Odd Object Carry (25% of bodyweight)
15 Box Jumps (20"/ 16")
50ft Odd Object Carry
*For Shoulder to Overhead, use any means necessary to get the barbell from your shoulders to over your head. This could be a Strict Press, Push Press, or Jerk.
*The odd object can be any object that you would not normally carry. For example: a stone, stack of plates, a loaded bar, even another person. Be creative, there is no wrong choice.
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w Joseph Arias -- This is the first round of the workout --> He is using a 145# stone
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As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 15 minutes of:
8 Shoulder to Overhead (155# for men/ 105# for women)
50ft Odd Object Carry (75% of bodyweight)
15 Box Jumps (24"/ 20")
50ft Odd Object Carry
AMRAP 15 of:
8 Shoulder to Overhead (135# for men/ 95# for women)
50ft Odd Object Carry (50% of bodyweight)
15 Box Jumps (24"/ 20")
50ft Odd Object Carry
AMRAP 15 of:
8 Shoulder to Overhead (95# for men/ 65# for women)
50ft Odd Object Carry (25% of bodyweight)
15 Box Jumps (20"/ 16")
50ft Odd Object Carry
AMRAP 10 of:
8 Shoulder to Overhead (65# for men/ 45# for women)
50ft Odd Object Carry (25% of bodyweight)
15 Box Jumps (20"/ 16")
50ft Odd Object Carry
*For Shoulder to Overhead, use any means necessary to get the barbell from your shoulders to over your head. This could be a Strict Press, Push Press, or Jerk.
*The odd object can be any object that you would not normally carry. For example: a stone, stack of plates, a loaded bar, even another person. Be creative, there is no wrong choice.
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w Joseph Arias -- This is the first round of the workout --> He is using a 145# stone
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January 8, 2012
WOD Monday 1/9/12
Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2
5 rounds of:
20 Pull ups
30 KB swings (53# for men/ 35# for women)
40 Double Unders
3 rounds of:
20 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
30 KB swings (53#/ 35#)
40 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps
3 rounds of:
10 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
20 KB swings (35#/ 26#)
30 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
Front Squat Demo w David Charbonneau
WOD DEMO w Joseph Arias
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Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2
5 rounds of:
20 Pull ups
30 KB swings (53# for men/ 35# for women)
40 Double Unders
3 rounds of:
20 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
30 KB swings (53#/ 35#)
40 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps
3 rounds of:
10 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
20 KB swings (35#/ 26#)
30 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
Front Squat Demo w David Charbonneau
WOD DEMO w Joseph Arias
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Awesome Eats
With the frigid temperatures fast approaching, it's a great time for a delicious soup recipe. I found this one on
Chili-Spiced Chicken Soup with Spotlight Peppers and Avocado Relish
Chili-Spiced Chicken Soup with Spotlight Peppers and Avocado Relish
Spice blend:
2 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 1/2 teaspoons ground coriander
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon cracked black pepper
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1 tablespoon canola oil, divided
1 1/4 pounds skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into 1/2-inch-wide strips
2 cups chopped sweet onion
1 cup chopped red bell pepper
1 cup chopped green bell pepper
1 cup chopped yellow bell pepper
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups fresh corn kernels
1 (32-ounce) carton fat-free, less-sodium chicken broth
1 (28-ounce) can fire-roasted crushed tomatoes, undrained
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/3 cup chopped green onions
1 teaspoon grated lime rind
3 ounces queso fresco, crumbled
1 diced peeled avocado
Cilantro sprigs (optional)
1. To prepare spice blend, combine first 6 ingredients in a small bowl.
2. To prepare soup, heat 2 teaspoons oil in a large nonstick saucepan over medium-high heat. Add chicken; sprinkle 1 1/2 tablespoons spice blend over chicken. Sauté 8 minutes or until done; cool. Chop chicken; set aside.
3. Heat remaining 1 teaspoon oil in pan over medium-high heat; add onion, bell peppers, garlic, and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Sprinkle vegetable mixture with remaining spice blend; sauté 8 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Stir in chicken, corn, broth, and tomatoes; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer 15 minutes. Add lime juice.
4. To prepare relish, combine chopped cilantro and next 4 ingredients (through avocado).
5. Ladle 1 1/4 cups soup into bowls; top with 1/4 cup relish. Garnish with cilantro sprigs, if desired.
Jamie Miller, Maple Grove, Minnesota, Cooking Light
MARCH 2010
MARCH 2010
January 6, 2012
Weekend WOD
Max Clean and Jerk
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 15 minutes of:
5 Hang Squat Cleans (155# for men/ 105 for women)
1 Rope Climb
5 Handstand Pushups
1 Rope Climb
AMRAP 15 of:
5 Hang Squat Clean (115#/ 80#)
1 Rope Climb or 5 Pull ups
5 Handstand Pushups or 10 Pushups
1 Rope Climb or 5 Pull ups
AMRAP 15 of:
5 Hang Squat Clean (95#/ 65#)
5 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
5 Pushups
5 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
AMRAP 10 of:
5 Hang Squat Clean (65#/ 45#)
5 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
5 Pushups
5 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
MAX CLEAN & JERK DEMO w David Charbonneau
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau and Joseph Arias
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Max Clean and Jerk
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 15 minutes of:
5 Hang Squat Cleans (155# for men/ 105 for women)
1 Rope Climb
5 Handstand Pushups
1 Rope Climb
AMRAP 15 of:
5 Hang Squat Clean (115#/ 80#)
1 Rope Climb or 5 Pull ups
5 Handstand Pushups or 10 Pushups
1 Rope Climb or 5 Pull ups
AMRAP 15 of:
5 Hang Squat Clean (95#/ 65#)
5 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
5 Pushups
5 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
AMRAP 10 of:
5 Hang Squat Clean (65#/ 45#)
5 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
5 Pushups
5 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
MAX CLEAN & JERK DEMO w David Charbonneau
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau and Joseph Arias
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January 5, 2012
WOD Friday 1/6/12
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull ups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
AMRAP 10 of:
5 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
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As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull ups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
AMRAP 10 of:
5 Pull ups or Jumping Pull ups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
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Daily Dose of Awesomeness
It's impossible to tell if this is PhotoShop or not. I for one think it's real.
January 4, 2012
WOD Thursday 1/5/12
Deadlift 10-1-20-1-30-1
*These should all be near maximal efforts. For example, for the set of 20, you should choose a weight that you can do at least 15 times and no more than 25 times. It is not the end of the world if you do not get the prescribed number of repetitions.
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau
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Deadlift 10-1-20-1-30-1
*These should all be near maximal efforts. For example, for the set of 20, you should choose a weight that you can do at least 15 times and no more than 25 times. It is not the end of the world if you do not get the prescribed number of repetitions.
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau
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The Monthly Movement
This months movement is the...
Clean High Pull:
Clean High Pull:
- It's a skill transfer exercise which can help aid performance in the clean.
- The movement involves multiple joints and build explosive power.
- The wider grip, as opposed to the sumo-deadlift high pull, puts less stress on the wrists.
- Great total-body movement.
- Start with the bar on the ground and position your feet in a stance were you would be comfortable jumping from.
- You should be in a position very similar if not exactly like the stance you would clean in. Hands should be on the outside of the legs.
- Now thrust your hips forward, shrug your shoulders, and pull the bar to your sternum/lower chest.
- You should be generating enough force with your hips to limit the use of your arms in getting the bar up.
- At the top of the movement make sure your elbows are above the bar.
- You should have "triple extension" (ankles, hips, traps) at the top of the movement.
- Lower the bar, push your hips back, and return to the starting position
Try to work this in in your program, especially if you have trouble with that 2nd pull in the clean.
Train hard and train smart.
January 3, 2012
Wednesday WOD 1/4/12
10 Bench Press (225# for men/155# for women)
200 meter rows
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau
10 Bench Press (225# for men/155# for women)
300 meter Row
9 Bench Press
300m Row
8 Bench Press
300m Row
7 Bench Press
300m Row
6 Bench Press
300m Row
5 Bench Press
300m Row
4 Bench Press
300m Row
3 Bench Press
300m Row
2 Bench Press
300m Row
1 Bench Press
300m Row
200 meter rows
150 meter rows
150 meter rows
*If you do not have access to a rower, run.
150 meter rows
150 meter rows
*If you do not have access to a rower, run.
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
WOD DEMO w David Charbonneau
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bench press,
January 2, 2012
Tuesday WOD 1/3/12
Oh Squat
Oh Squat
21-15-9 of:
High pulls (135#/95#)*start in the same position as you would for a clean*
21-15-9 of:
High pulls (135#/95#)*start in the same position as you would for a clean*
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
High pulls (95#/65#)
High pulls from hang position (65#/45#)
Squat thrust
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
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Monday WOD 1/2/12
5 rounds for time of:
400m run (uphill if possible)
5 muscle ups
5 rounds for time of:
400m run (uphill if possible)
15 pullups
15 ring dips
5 rounds for time of:
400m run
15 jumping pullups
15 dips
5 rounds for time of:
400m run
15 inverted rows
15 bench dips
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
5 rounds for time of:
400m run (uphill if possible)
5 muscle ups
5 rounds for time of:
400m run (uphill if possible)
15 pullups
15 ring dips
5 rounds for time of:
400m run
15 jumping pullups
15 dips
5 rounds for time of:
400m run
15 inverted rows
15 bench dips
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale. The prescribed weights or reps may seem extreme at times, but that is because I program for top level athletes. Do not be ashamed to do the Intermediate, Beginner or Novice weights or reps; everyone has to start somewhere. Make it a goal of yours to do the advanced WOD if you cannot already do so.
January 1, 2012
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