October 14, 2012

Daily WOD 10/15

Congrats Juice, for finishing 11th overall @ The Beast. You did damn good son, damn good.

For all questions about the *Rehab program, unless your knees are no longer working, ignore it.

A. Snatch Balance - max , 70% of that  x 3 x 4
B. Power Snatch + Snatch - 75% (power snatch) x 1 + 1 x 5 sets

5 rounds

315 DL x 5
10 Ring HSPU

Rest 3 minutes

50 KB swings @ 2 pood
50 wallballs


We've just finished a full 5/3/1 cycle. Increase your hypothetical max by 5 pounds. All percentages will adjust accordingly.

A. Bench Press 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5+
B. Bamboo Bench Press 5 x 10
C. Bent Over DB rows 5 x 10 (ea side) AHAP
D. Good mornings 3 x 6
E. 50 L pullups - PERFECT - for time

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