October 8, 2012

Daily WOD 10/9/12

A. Snatch - heavy single
B. C/J - heavy single
C. Back Squat - heavy single

For the Snatch, you have 3 attempts in 6 minutes. Bar starts empty.

D.  3 x 10 - Reverse hyper, GH Raise


A. 4 x max pullups (kipping) 1:1 work to rest
B. 4 x max HSPU (kipping) 1:1 work to rest
Rest 5 minutes
C. 4 x max pullups (strict) 1:1 work to rest
D. 4 x max HSPU (strict) 1:1 work to rest
Rest 5 minutes

E. Dead bugs - 60s alternating, 60s same side, 60s top + bottom (1 set) - maintain perfect form - 3 sets
F. 5 x max effort plank with weighted vest -as heavy as possible - 1:1 work to rest

G. Tabata air squats - slow and controlled - aim for the same amount of reps per set

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