September 30, 2012

Daily WOD 10/1

Happy October bitches

A. Mid Hang Power Snatch 65-75% x 2 x 5 sets - 1 minute rest in between
B. Snatch Balance - Max for day , 90% of that x1 , 80% x 2 x 2 sets


Prowler Challenge

Pick a challenge , post results to comments.

*Max day is coming up soon


Take 90% of your current 1RM , and base these percentages off of that number.

A. Bench Press - 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x AMRAP
B. 1 ARM DB Press  5 x 10 (each side) - AHAP
C. Stiff Legged DL 3 x 6 - PERFECT FORM, slow and controlled
D. DB row 3 x 10 (each arm) AHAP
E. 100 situps

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