Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5
Event 3 from the 2012 Frostbite this past weekend:
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 10 minutes of:
20 UNBROKEN Double Unders
25 Dumbbell Ground to Overhead (40#/ 25#)
30 Burpees with a jump over a parallette
*Double unders must be done consecutively
*Ground to Overhead can be done with either hand. You can switch hands as many times as you want
AMRAP 10 minutes of:
60 Single Unders
25 Dumbbell Ground to Overhead (25#/ 15#)
30 Burpees with a step over a parallette
WOD DEMO w Joseph Arias and Elie Zeitlin
Post Rounds and Reps to Comments
2 rounds and 17 db ground to overhead as rx'd