Front Squat: 5-5-5-5-5
1000m row
80 KettleBell swings(53# for men/ 35# for women)
50 Ring Pushups
30 Toes to Bar
1000m row
80 KB Swings(35#/ 25#)
50 Pushups
30 Knees to Elbow
500m row
40 KB Swings(35#/ 25#)
25 Pushups
15 Knees to Elbow
*Remember: The scaled down versions are merely suggestions. You can pick and choose the things you need to scale.
Front Squat Demo w David Charbonneau
WOD DEMO w Joseph Arias -- The video starts at the end of the row ... I'm a terrible cameraman.
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Whats up with that dude in the tank top? lol